Audit Ethics & Standards
The National Audit Office Malawi is mandated by the Public Audit Act to carry out audits without any restriction. It thus currently undertakes different audits in Regularity, performance, Information Technology and Personnel and Establishment (pensions & gratuities).
The office is also embarking on audit of fiscal governance issues including public debt and is building capacity to tackle audit of extractive industries.
The National Audit Office of Malawi aims at improving skills of its staff and its ability to carry out high quality audit work. To improve the effectiveness, efficiency and uniformity of audit work, encourage staff to conduct their duties with the highest levels of integrity and probity, NAO has a number of Standards and Guidelines applicable to audit.
International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs)
As a public institution National Audit Office subscribes to both regional and international Auditing bodies and therefore adopt the standards and guidelines issued from time to time. Regionally National Audit Office is a member of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions in English speaking countries (AFROSAI-E) and through AFROSAI-E National Audit Office becomes a member of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).
INTOSAI issues standards to supreme audit institutions based on IFAC standards. National Audit Office as a member of AFROSAI-E and INTOSAI complies with the applicable auditing standards in all its operations. The standards are imbedded in our manuals, guidelines and policies in both the corporate and auditing services.
The office has developed and implemented manuals and guidelines on regularity and performance audit as wells as in communication, corporate services and quality control and assurance. IT audit manuals among others, are in the process of development.
Code of Ethics
NAO Code of Ethics were developed in 2005. All members of staff at the institution received training in the Code of Ethics. These Codes form a comprehensive statement of values and principles that guides the conduct of members of staff. Bearing in mind that NAO is a cornerstone in enforcing good governance, transparency, accountability and integrity in the Malawi`s Public Sector, it is inevitable that our staff serve as role models to other public servants regarding issues of independence, integrity, truthfulness, objectivity and confidentiality. Any officer found to be in breach of the NAO Code of Ethics is disciplined.
Alongside the NAO code of ethics is the civil service code of ethics applicable to all public institutions and implemented by the Office of the President and Cabinet.